Bismillah - Assalaam O Alaikum

My Sect
My Profession
Home Maker
Marital Status
United Kingdom
Registration Reason
I'm registering to find myself a partner
A Little Bit About Me
Assalam O Alaikum,

I pray you are in good health and high spirits. Respected brother, You can communicate effectively in fluent spoken and written English and I am of Indian ethnicity my mother tongue is memon. Please read my profile carefully and if you resonate with me seriously for nikah who follow Sharia are welcome to message me.

I am only on this site for halal marriage and not interested in getting entangled in any haraam relations outside of marriage and also challenge you to respond to my questions if we are like-minded for marriage to save us both time as this is online matrimony and not through the family so must get my questions answered before family involvement for my safety and peace of mind as I don't know you what you want or your personality and positive I will only marry a man of Taqwa, Insha Allah, and Allah is my walli. Ameen

I hope you are the saint I seek an intelligent man ready to answer my list of questions to establish compatibility promptly and we proceed to a live video call if our interactions are positive and harmonious.

Akhlaq and Adaab are the most attractive qualities that a gentleman can have, manners and etiquette are everything and physical beauty is secondary.

So if you believe you have intelligence and wisdom and are a well-mannered gentleman then I would love to talk to you for nikah and also hope you will promptly answer all the baat pakki ( my questions to assess 100% compatibility and get to know each other)

My profile offers a glimpse of who I desire for marriage, the life I am accustomed to, and the positive outcomes, Insha Allah. I hope you detail all your attributes, commitments, responsibilities, expectations, wishes, dreams, and life with your future wife with honest transparency. May Allah grant us all a beautiful truthful spouse who will be the coolness of our eyes with afiyah, Ameen.

Marriage, a lifetime commitment, requires extra effort for a successful, high-value relationship. Envisioning my ideal companion and describing married life, I understand that only Allah is perfect. Allah, please make it easy to find a good spouse, a source of happiness, bring us close to Allah, and help each other become our best version, Ameen.

I seek a practicing Sunni Muslim aligned with the Hanafi Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah. I am a Sunni Hanafi Muslimah deeply devoted to Allah. My commitment to faith is reflected in daily prayers, fasting, charity, Hajj, and Umrah experiences. Guided by the teachings of Shaykh Saleem Dhorat, I believe in the profound impact of good company on one's character. Significantly, my husband's akhlaaq influences my life. "You are the religion of your friends."

Alqawaamun—you are financially stable and secure, ready for marriage, and responsible, I like blue eyes, beard, sunnah attire, healthy, athletic, fit, tall, intelligent, honest, respectful, kind, affectionate, generous, funny, hygienic neat, and clean, and take good care of his appearance, a man who is humble and a happy nature and walks his talk, actions are definitely louder then words—a partner who is organized, goal-oriented, values and maintains high standards. A positive role model possesses Akhlaq, Hayah, and Taqwa, upholds Allah's commands, and adheres to the Quran and Sunnah.

I seek a peaceful and private married life with my spouse; Allah has blessed you with ample provisions and financial resources, and you appreciate the finer things in life. You have the freedom to live and travel anywhere and are not bound to debts, loans, liabilities, nor involved in haraam income riba and mortgages. You are a generous man who walks his talk does not burden his wife with any financial responsibilities and will take care of all her needs with great care love and affection. We all have to stand before Allah we will have to answer for the rights of the creation.

Perhaps you are a successful entrepreneur with multiple sources of income and investments, financial independence, and the liberty to choose what you do with time.

I love fitness, health, and beauty—beautiful views and nature. My husband will be my provider, maintainer, and protector, following Allah's command. I am learning and practicing my deen—being a homemaker and guarding my innocence. My intention is for a tranquil and fulfilling blissful narried life. Insha Allah, we can share precious memories and discover the wonders of the world together, reflecting on the creation of Allah.

Allah humma barik, I am consistent in my effort to feel and look youthful and vibrant, tall, and slender; my nature is living a life of Sunnah, intelligence, kindness, honesty, and many other positive attributes about me, Insha Allah that will delight my husband. I pray we are both an asset to our Deen Dunya and Akhirah Ameen.

Alhamdulillah, the greatest blessing is Iman. By Allah, with all true faith, I anticipate nothing but barakah; my duas, dreams, and aspirations come true, Insha Allah.

Allah is the only one who can inspire me to write my profile and He surpasses all my aspirations—Allah humma lakl hamdu walaka shukr.

I currently reside in Leicester with my cat and occupy an immaculate beautifully furnished apartment. Ideally, my spouse will join me in this residence; you can effortlessly afford the rental tenancy and all the expenses that come with marriage—a two-bed duplex with a balcony and views of the river and park, a perfect haven for a newlywed couple. I no longer drive or venture outdoors independently unless I am with my husband; I envision my husband taking full financial responsibility for me and the current home and orchestrating the transition to our new marital home.

I am open to relocating for our residency which suits both our preferences, ensuring seamless integration of my furniture and belongings and help with packing up and moving. Many things to learn about our future to finalize before a nikah proposal is accepted. I am looking forward to a new chapter and adventure in my life and hope my spouse is ready and on the same page.

"Nice to Have"

In our pursuit of life together, both accustomed to high standards, we envision our new home transcending a beautiful, comfortable haven with stunning views, complete with a private steam room to rejuvenate and amplify vitality. Having experienced the therapeutic benefits of steams, hammams, saunas, and plunge pools in the USA, Turkey, and Dubai, having a private steam room in our home aligns with the permissible aspects of Islam.

Our future marital home is characterized by natural light, high ceilings, integrated lighting, spaciousness, balconies, and panoramic views of nature and the sea, echoing our passion for breathtaking surroundings, including a fully integrated and well-equipped kitchen, private gym, and steam room to relax, refresh, detox post-workout relief.

Our home is a safe sanctuary—peace, love, and appreciation of the blessings. The husband's role extends beyond providing a home; it encompasses full support, protection, unwavering loyalty and commitment, and the shared responsibility of maintaining a clean and organized living space.

As frequent travelers, our aspirations include embarking on journeys for Hajj, Umrah, and exotic holidays and possibly relocating to a Muslim country. My husband is blessed with sufficient financial resources to accomplish our visions; we pray an easy life and affluence will not make us unmindful of each other's rights, distract us, or exceed the boundaries of our beautiful deen Ameen.

Family connections and maintaining ties hold significant value for me; my four children are all independent and do not reside with me.

I do not engage in haraam income, mortgage, debts, loans, or liabilities. I am an author and publisher with four brands on Amazon KDP as digital assets that require marketing experts perhaps my husband has the skills to market and invest in the brand's success it is a very time-consuming process to author a book and it is not my specialty to wear all the hats and juggle it all on my own.

Allah is my focus and he has given me everything and fulfills all my wishes.

At this stage in life, I am beyond the responsibilities of children and have surpassed the childbirth phase. I would prefer we both put our effort in the deen into sponsoring orphaned children and building Darul ulooms in third-world countries and what is destined for us will find us May Allah make our life easy and answer all our wishes, Ameen.

Subhanallah, I aim for very high standards and have clarity on my visions and goals in life. I pray we will further enrich each other's lives. We appreciate it when mistakes are made apparent in a dignified manner, as believers are mirrors of others. Allah, please bless us with sublime characters and make our Islah with Afiyah Ameen.

We are thrilled to learn about our deen, Insha Allah. I am under the guidance of my shaykh and staying away from all atomic spiritual diseases. I always strive for the highest excellence in my manners, reputation, and character, as is the goal for all Muslims. I pray we are an asset and will be a good role model for each other, Ameen.

Allah commands excellence from all believers. Allah is beautiful, loves beauty, and witnesses how we conduct ourselves and our affairs in private and public. Jannah is not free. We have to work exceptionally hard to attain Jannahtul Al Firdaus.

Allah gives health, wealth, poverty, and everything as a test. We pray for health, wealth, peace, prosperity, contentment, safety, and easy life in both worlds with Afiyah, and we are always grateful for the bounties showered on us, Ameen.

"Allah is the provider, and he is the best of providers.". This world is Asbaab; it's all about a growth mindset, positivity, discipline, willingness, high standards, accountability, exerting effort, not giving up, and learning new skills. I depend on my husband to do the hunting and gathering for our survival—intentions aligned with actions. We secure our camel then reliance and having the best expectations from Allah.

My philosophy in life is optimistic, having tawwakul, and the highest and best from Allah as he is the caretaker of Life, Death, and Destiny. Marriage, a great blessing, is a significant responsibility approached with the right intentions and sincere duas; "actions are according to intentions."

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What I Am Looking For
Reminders of our roles as Muslim spouses Non-negotiables and disclaimers.

Full practice of our faith, good character, and living a life of Sunnah is a must: 100% HALAL income and No involvement in RIBA and Mortgages. We lower our gazes to safeguard our eyes from zina, avoiding music and mixed-gender gatherings. My husband provides a home, and maintaining our accustomed standard is paramount for our comfort, safety, and security.

As a devout Muslim wife, I offer my husband love, loyalty, and respect for his leadership as he is the khadeem and Amir, praying for his happiness, safety, well-being, and success in both worlds. I take satisfaction in guarding my innocence and caring for our home in his absence, nurturing a positive and harmonious atmosphere. Striving to meet my husband's physical and emotional needs as a priority actively engage in acts of kindness, and safeguard our confidentiality. I understand the importance of communication, empathy, upholding Islamic values, encouraging virtuous deeds, and contributing to the success of our marital relationship.

I believe my husband embraces significant responsibilities towards his wife, guided by a strong sense of protection for her, he prays for her safety, happiness, well-being, and success in both worlds, safeguarding her honor, assets, and confidentiality, giving her lifelong financial security and safety, covering all living expenses, and providing a comfortable home to her accustomed standard. Enjoying permissible blessings in life, he is committed to providing emotional support, companionship, love, and comfort, all while respecting her opinions and requests and giving her space and privacy in their marital relationship. Actively, he participates in sharing household duties; he recognizes the shared responsibility of managing their home, emphasizing his dedication to a blissful marital life.

My husband prioritizes congregational prayers in Jammat. He regularly sits in the company of friends of Allah to recognize the marifa of Allah, do the Islah, control and subjugate the nafs, act on the faith, and boost spiritual stamina. I pray my spouse frequents the Islamic Dawah Academy masjid for prayers and sits in the company of Shaykh Saleem. This city is the best for learning authentic knowledge and executing our deen.

Commitment to waking me up for Tahajjud and Fajr prayers, encouraging virtuous deeds, and serving as a positive role model.

Perfect doesn't exist in Dunya each person comes with weaknesses and shortcomings, I am willing to overlook faults and look out and appreciate the good things and make sacrifices and compromises and there will be boundaries, I have zero tolerance for liars.

I practice my deen have high standards and focus on my akhirah, I hope the man whom I marry overlooks all my shortcomings and highlights the good things about me. We attract what we send out in our energy and focus.

I am a smoker. It's hard to give up. I was around and married to smokers; you become the company you keep. I learned life lessons, not having known the Influence of bad companions. My new husband is compassionate, patient, and nonjudgmental. I do not smoke in people's faces and only on my balcony I never want to harm anyone and clean up after myself, I mention as I do not like misleading anyone and know I should not broadcast my sin in public Allah please forgive me, Ameen

I am not COVID-19 vaccinated and it's up to each individual if they need vaccines or not, I have complete trust in Allah for protection. Nothing can benefit or harm without the will of Allah.

I am not seeking a polygamous marriage or sharing my husband with other women.

We both dislike negativity and avoid misguidance and sins such as gossip, anger, arguments, debates, time-wasting, stinginess, cowardice, arrogance, pride, lies, breaking trusts and promises, obscenity, immorality, immodesty, and causing harm—all atomic spiritual diseases and traits that correspond with Shaytaan.

Shaytaan and Nafs Ammarah cause mischief between husband and wife and destroy beautiful families. If you are a divorcee, you will understand where I am coming from. Allah, please protect us from the shararat of nafs and shayateen Ameen.

We must sit in the company of the pious to deeply understand our nafs and have the willingness to change our many shortcomings. It's apparent to me, and I am working on my faults to eradicate all of them—reminders and keeping the company of righteous companions.

I pray my spouse is fully on board to support both of us on our journey to righteousness. No one can change us unless we admit and recognize our faults and are willing to make changes in ourselves. Allah helps those who help themselves.

We all want peace and success in our lives and marriages. Causes and effects in life are the divine laws of Allah. The formula is to stay away from Allah's displeasure, control our nafs, and make taubah immediately when we transgress. Allah, please give us all nek hidayah and guidance to walk our talk and stay firm on the straight path. Ameen.

We always strive towards good intentions, thoughts, words, actions, habits, beautiful characters, and destiny, expressing gratitude in abundance. Always think husne zan good of Allah and his creation. Allah says, "I am as my servant thinks of me." Believers never harm with their tongues or hands, endorsing good and prohibiting evil. We love doing khidmah and Ikraam of the creation. If we show compassion and kindness to his creation, then Allah will shower his Rahma on us the day we need it most.

I believe in mutual understanding and compromises to solve issues. Consultations, mashwarah, and respectful communication will help solve and prevent pointless conflicts. We are all for discovering solutions when problems arise to resolve them before they cause hurt, anger, resentment, annoyance, grief, or oppression—quick apologies and making up for any wrongs said or done, and no bitterness after forgiving each other. Allah paak, please help and protect us always to forgive and forget and be cheerful and loving to each other. Ameen.

Islam encompasses a complete way of life: daily rituals of Salah, Quran recitation and reflection, Zikr, Duas, Istigfaar, Salawaat, Muraqabah, and implementing sunnah etiquette of living Muhasharah and Muhasabah -audit ourselves before the reckoning is done on us, and our priority is avoiding sins, negativity, and fitnah. We are on the path of spiritual rectification, Islah-an-nafs.

We practice the profound teachings of Islam and the path to finding inner peace, contentment, and spiritual rectification—the realization of our life's true purpose. We are here very temporarily to earn good deeds, die a good death, and depart from this world to our permanent eternal hereafter, relying on Allah's mercy without any reckoning.

Allah, please make us do virtuous deeds, turn all our faults into good deeds, do not punish us, make us nafs-mutmainnah, forgive us, please gift us with grateful hearts, sakeenah, comfort, beauty khair afiyah, in our deen dunya, and akhirah, an easy life and death, and a compatible life partner. We are happy and content with each other. Allah, please guide us to attain your love and pleasure and reward us with your magnificent vision and home close to you in Jannat ul Firdaws and the company of our beloved Prophet Sallalahu Alaihe Wassalam Ameen.

I look forward to a life filled with love, precious moments, mutual respect, happiness, prosperity, and companionship for the sake of Allah, and May Allah bless us with a beautiful life in both worlds, Ameen.

Allah has inspired me to be very clear and ask for a husband who will fulfill our visions and dreams and make us happy in both worlds. Insha Allah,—I hope you agree.

Thank you for reading my profile. I prefer to enlighten it all here instead of having to go over the same with every prospect as many random people and not knowing who you dealing with their personality or what they are after.

If you believe we have lots in common or have any questions, please get in touch and connect via a video call to proceed. Please refrain from inappropriate un-Islamic shameless behavior during our discussions I am not married to you yet or agreed to or even met you and only talking to you for the possibility of nikah. I am not here for virtual dating will never see or meet the person or get entangled with your ulterior motives and agendas to lure me into Zina haraam offerings on the phone with your endless garbled nonsensical shorthand texts to keep your company leading to nothing and only disheartening.

I have learned how liars operate telling you everything you want to hear and just talking about their carnal desires within their 1st messages how alpha male, their high sex drive, and it goes on, etc with nothing to prove themselves also those men who never, sometimes, or usually pray and those who are spiritually hard dead hearts and sick stay away do not contact me especially those who taunt, humiliate, insult, oppress and disrespect women. A true believer never lies or lures others in haraam and fitna, would you like it that what you doing is being done to your sister daughter, or mother by some other?

I am here for a halal marriage with a sincere husband honesty integrity hayah and taqwaa who values an honest straightforward high-value standard Muslimah with her dignity and honor intact. I have a lot to offer the right husband. Allah knows what is in the hearts and you only truly get to know the nature of a person when you live with them.

I have a positive outlook and high expectations from Allah, I am not expecting anything from anyone demanding or materialistic this is my profile and my right to write and ask whatever I desire and my desires Allah has placed in me for beauty comfort, and safety just as he has commanded in a man to protect and provide. Allah gave me everything and intelligence to educate myself on the deen so as not to ever make the same mistakes again with a husband who manipulates and coerces his wife to go out to work to finance their lives, the man is the provider of his dependents and his wife is his top priority. I am very picky and have every right to be as you are about choosing a wife. I have to live with you for the rest of my life. I am taking the means to find a spouse who shares identical aspirations and a close match to what I have written with the help of Allah.


Please ensure your message details our compatibility rather than just a few words how can I even respond reading vague profiles that don't tell you anything about their intent or personality is off-putting at least share what you want or how I am compatible if you are serious about marriage read the person's profile if you don't take time to read and understand the person. I can already see how much effort will be made in the marriage and if he doesn't answer thoughtfully my questions that my walli would ask to reassure me of his good intentions then I already got my answers and Allah has diverted him away.

Apologies to those sincere brothers I hope I did not put any good soul off after some bad encounters with men who are not on the deen I mentioned have to deter those and remind them of their behavior maybe they will change and learn how to treat a lady even if I am not compatible. May Allah guide and forgive those who do not know and safeguard our Iman till we breathe our last breath, Ameen.

May Allah make it easy for us to find each other and facilitate our union with Khair and Afiyah, Ameen.

*Must Provide Character references*

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Personal Information
My Citizenship
Country of Origin
United Kingdom
Willing to Relocate?
I am Looking to Marry
As soon as possible
My Income
Prefer not to say
Marital Status
Would I like to have Children?
Do I have children?
My Living Arrangements?
United Kingdom
My Height
1.68m (5' 6")
My Build
My Hair Colour
Dark brown
Colour of My Eyes
Do I Smoke?
Do I Have Any Disabilities?
My Education Level
High school
Subject I Studied
All of them
My First Language
My Second Language
My Profession
Home Maker
My Job Title
Allah Protect my Innocence and Home
My Sect
Yes Hijab
Prefer not to say
Are You a Revert?
Do You Keep Halal?
I Always Keep Halal
Do You Perform Salaah?